Delhi NCR - Education Problems and Prospects

National Capital Region (NCR) is nearly 23 times the size of the current NCT of Delhi. Mopping up regions of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan – NCR is slated to be one of the most densely populated regions in the country with an estimated population of 22 million by 2021 in an area of nearly 33,500 sq km.

Mission Admission - Note to Parents

Every year, Urban India witnesses a mad-rush during the school admission season. Some of the parents even try to get their toddlers admitted to secure their future. The demand-supply gap is huge enough for some schools to subject to unlawful rent-seeking. Unfortunately, it is we the Parents who trigger this mad-rush and unlawful activities around school admission.

Social Movements - Triggers & Drivers

We have seen a number of movements in our times like Naxalism, Jharkhand movement, the BSP movement led by Kanshiram, the Chipko –Tehri movement. What triggers these movements? Is there a difference between people’s movements & social movements?

Saving Public Broadcast System

Public interest means common well-being or general welfare. An action can be declared as in public interest if it benefits every single member of society or it benefits some of the population and harms none. Good and services which take care of public interest are termed as public goods or services. Public goods are those which are neither excludable nor rivalrous in nature i.e. by nature it cannot exclude anybody (TV/Radio waves are available to everybody) and consumption by one does not reduce the availability for other (watching/listening by one does not reduce the capacity for the other).

SCP Paradigm in Education

The primary approach to evaluate relationship between structure of industry, its conduct and its performance is know as the Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm. The SCP approach was originally employed by Bain (1956).

Power and Poverty - A Peaceful Coexistence

The Mughal era followed by the Colonial rule have trained us well to create and live in a feudal system. The mindset matured to a level that a non-feudal, participative and a non-hierarchical system makes us feel jittery. Even at a very individual level we tend to behave as lords of our limited constituency. E.g even in an underprivileged family, the “man” derives a sense of power and behaves unconventionally with his family members. He rules them. As the constituency of the individual grows, he/she tries to derive more and more power from his/her constituents.

Recipe of Reforms - The Secret Ingredients

Reforms, Change, Growth, Sustainable Development and many such terms have been part of fashion of our erudite sections of the society. It is surprising to see the ease with which topics get started over a drink and end with blaming the “system” over dessert. We continue to project utopian ideas for the future and defend the actions of the past and present. This had been happening for nearly 5 decades now and would continue to happen for the next 5 decades, if some radical shift in thinking is not brought about, by each one of us.

Dilemmas of the Teacher System

A teacher who establishes rapport with the taught, becomes one with them, learns more from them than he teaches them. He who learns nothing from his disciples is, in my opinion, worthless. Whenever I talk with someone I learn from him. I take from him more than I give him. In this way, a true teacher regards himself as a student of his students. If you will teach your pupils with this attitude, you will benefit much from them. (Gandhi’s talk to Khadi Vidyalaya Students, Sevagram, Sevak, 15 February 1942 CW 75, p. 269)

Teacher Training - Magic or Tragic Bullets?

Ever since the Kothari Commission Report, 1966 talked about taking a holistic approach to teacher development, every policy document, recommendation of committees and programs have suggested “training” as a panacea to all of teacher and children problems. The situation has reached a level where the teachers as well as administration have become indifferent to the entire process and any infusion of innovation in training is viewed with skepticism and hopelessness.

Public Education System in India - Complications Personified

India with a 1.1bn population and a student strength of about 300 mn (age 6-18) makes it the largest education setting in the world. We have by design, two different systems, one a public education system for about 200 mn underprivileged children and two a private system for about 100 mn privileged children.Intuitively, one can infer that the private education system had been responsible for making India join the $1 trillion GDP league. Imagine the potential existing in the public education system or more precisely, the potential of the 200mn children, which is yet to be unleashed.

The Heartbeat of a Trust - Algorithm for a Legacy

Wealth shared is joy multiplied – is the central message of this beautiful book presented by Russi Lala on the evolution of a Trust conceived by Sir Dorabji Tata and its phenomenal support in building institutions which have not only contributed to nation building but also have established the identity of our country on the global map. The author has unfolded the story of different individuals whose commitment, knowledge and philosophy have been in the sanctum of each of the institutions talked about in this book.

Delhi 6

Contributions to Education Chapter of Delhi Human Development Report 2006 Click here to download